[…] each glyph has its own monosyllabic name, designed to be pronounced quickly in combination with another glyph to form a rune name. As languages are often read-aloud, this saves the programmer from having to say “dollar sign, question mark”–“bucwut” is much more compact.

Hoon documentation

Because Hoon uses ASCII symbols so heavily (there is some resemblance to Perl or even the APL family, although Hoon is more regular than both), it presents a serious vocalization problem. To aid in speaking Hoon – both for actual communication, and to assist in subvocalized reading – we have our own one-syllable names for ASCII tokens

Urbit: A Solid-State Interpreter

The following pronunciation listing is directly from “Phonetic names for symbols” (Listing 3 from the Urbit whitepaper).

Symbol Pronounciation
[1 space] ace
[>1 space] gap
! zap
" doq
# hax
$ buc
% cen
& pam
* tar
+ lus
- hep
, com
. dot
/ fas
\ bas
: col
; sem
< gal
= tis
> gar
? wut
@ pat
( pal
) par
[ sel
] ser
{ kel
} ker
^ ket
_ cab
| bar
~ sig

Irregular pronuncations

To avoid a few tongue-twisters, some runes have irregular pronunciations that should be noted

Hoon documentation

Symbol Irregular Pronounciation Original pronounciation
-- phep hephep
+- slep lushep
++ slus luslus
== stet tistis